Crossings in time

60 years since the civil-military coup, what is the power of testimony on the analytical and public stage?


  • Vera Vital Brasil



state violence, trauma, memory


Colonization, slavery, the haunting experiences of destruction caused by world and regional wars and the terrible civil-military dictatorships in Latin America reveal the machinery of cruelty on the public scene and trauma is registered as a mass phenomenon and a mark of our culture. This paper puts forward the idea that testimony has been an important tool in the construction of memories, revealing itself as an operator of new meanings in the clinic and a tool that sheds light on the truth in the public arena. Restoring memory, thought, knowledge and the right to speak are unequivocal forms of resistance. In each testimonial narrative, a singular subject emerges that is produced in the difference of what was and what will be.

Author Biography

Vera Vital Brasil

Psicóloga clínico-institucional, membro do Coletivo RJ Memória, Verdade, Justiça e Reparação, membro do Psicanalistas Unidos pela Democracia, coordenadora do Projeto Clínicas do Testemunho do RJ (2013-2015).


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