Mourning and metamorphosis

contributions from Lamanno-Adamo


  • Guilherme Franzon Berti UFRGS



Psychoanalysis, Mourning, Psychoanalytic writing


The book Narciso sob tinta: fisgando o humano, written by Vera Lamanno-Adamo, published by Blucher in 2023, is an unpretentious book, which delights the reader, should be read without rushing, and contains some gems. The book brings together a set of articles by the psychoanalyst and, despite dealing with different themes, it certainly has mourning as the issue that runs through the work. The author uses art, books, films and series, in addition to her clinical experience, to address this and other issues relevant to contemporary psychoanalysis, with emphasis on the themes of psychoanalytic writing and theoretical articulation between the different psychoanalytic schools. Narciso sob tinta: fisgando o humano is an important book for Brazilian psychoanalysts and for those concerned with the future of psychoanalysis, so, without a doubt, it should be assimilated, with due attention, by contemporary psychoanalysis.

Author Biography

Guilherme Franzon Berti, UFRGS

Psicólogo pela Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI) em 2019. Especialista em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) em 2021. Integrante do Grupo de Estudos Psicanálise (GEP) de Erechim-RS.


ANDREUCCI, Judith T. C. Aquele olhar: Vivências psicanalíticas com alguém que não podia ver. Jornal de Psicanálise, v. 44, n. 83, p. 59-66. 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em 04 de jan. 2024.

EDITORA BLUCHER. Lançamento “Narciso sob tinta”, de Vera Lamanno-Adamo. Youtube, 19 set. 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em 04 de jan. de 2024.

LAMANNO-ADAMO, Vera. Narciso sob tinta: fisgando o humano. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.

