The symptomatic web between consumption and consumptionism




consumption, discourse, language, subject, psychoanalysis


The objective of this text is to make a possible theoretical association between the ideas of consumption and the concept of lack in psychoanalysis. With the support of psychoanalytical literature and the structure of the subject’s discourse in relation to consumption, an immersion was made in the discussion about language and the unconscious to identify the psychic relationship that dialogues with the practice of everyday consumption and its social and ethical manifestations. The aim is to better understand the structure of the symbolic capitalist discourse and bring some possible answers about the manifestations of each subject. The immediate identification of the subject’s cycle of consumption was analyzed as a search to fill this void, which goes beyond the substantial and necessary, and extends to the unsuccessful attempt to reach eternal happiness, unconsciously returning to the stage prior to castration.

Author Biographies

Alan César Dias Amaral

Professor e psicanalista. Especialista em Linguagens e o Mundo do Trabalho pela Universidade
Federal do Piauí (UFPI). Especialista em Fundamentos da Clínica Psicanalítica pela Faculdade
Maria Thereza (FAMATH).

Maycon Rodrigo da Silveira Torres, Faculdade Maria Thereza (FAMATH)

Psicólogo. Psicanalista. Doutor em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).
Coordenador da Pós-Graduação em Fundamentos da Clínica Psicanalítica (FAMATH).


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