Interview with Fabiana Rousseaux


  • Fabiana Rousseaux



Memory, Truth, Justice


The topic of this edition is "Psychoanalysis, Democracy and Rememoration". We have recently seen movements in the political field that have reignited the dispute over the memory of military regimes that have been alarmingly exalted. Fights that have never ceased have been misrepresented with extremist aims that call us to reflect on truth, memory, and justice, as they put democracy at risk. This year, 2024, Brazil celebrates the 60th anniversary of the civil-military coup. Given this, we understand that psychoanalysis has an important political role in rememoration, witnessing, and sustaining alterity, because cultural movements affect the subject’s psyche. For this reason, we invited the psychoanalyst Fabiana Rousseaux for a provocative interview conducted by the Testimony and Action Collective.

Author Biography

Fabiana Rousseaux

Psicóloga/UBA, Psicoanalista, Ex Directora del Centro de Asistencia a víctimas de violaciones de Derechos Humanos “Dr. Fernando Ulloa” de la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de la Nación. Ex Articuladora del Proyecto “Clínicas del Testimonio” de la Comisión de Amnistía, Ministerio de Justicia de Brasil. Fundó y dirigió la Asociación Civil Territorios Clínicos de la Memoria. Recientemente compiló el libro digital "Feminismos y Psicoanálisis" editado por la Revista #lacanemancipa (España) y Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (Argentina).


ALEMÁN, J. “La cuestión del olvido”. In: Rousseaux, F. (Comp.). Legado y memorias. Debates sobre el futuro anterior. Buenos Aires: Tren en Movimiento Ediciones, 2019.

COMISIÓN POR LA MEMORIA. Jovenes y memoria. El programa. [s.a.]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.

ESPACIO MEMORIA Y DERECHOS HUMANOS. La escuela va a los Juicios. [s.a.]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.




