The machinic dimension of the unconscious in Freud




Unconscious. Machine. Tragedy. Drive


This article aims to elucidate what we call the machinic dimension of the unconscious in Freud. However, it is a machine whose functioning encounters limits and oscillations, points of unsolvability that, according to our hypothesis, make Freud's tense affiliation with the positivist and mechanistic ideals he inherits evident. Although fundamentally influenced by the discourse of classical science, we see Freud as a thinker constantly questioned by the singularity of his clinic, by what individualizes the functioning of the unconscious machine. In the end, we highlight the notion of tragedy and associate it with the concept of drive in order to propose that the drive manifests tragically as the insistence of the machinic in everyday life.

Author Biography

Luciano Mattuella, APPOA

Luciano Mattuella é psicanalista, membro da  APPOA, mestre e doutor em Filosofia (PUCRS/ Université de Strasbourg). Realizou pós-doutorado no PPG Psicanálise: Clínica e Cultura (UFRGS). É autor de “Os futuros do passado" (Editora Fi, 2017), “O corpo do analista” (Editora Artes & Ecos, 2020) e "Um itinerário íntimo pela psicanálise lacaniana" (Editora Zouk, 2022).


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2024-04-29 — Updated on 2024-05-22




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