The 1964 Coup

A Coup against Eros




1964 coup d'état, Work, Subjectivity, Psychological violence, Desubjectivation


This testimony deals with the impact of the 1964 civil-military coup on the subjectivity of workers and considers that, since then, psychological violence at work (a privileged field for experimenting with new forms of domination) has undergone metamorphoses of increasingly harmful scope through management models whose focus is the desubjectivization of workers in the name of “productivity”. Between the two clinical cases presented, there is a gap of 36 years that allows us to see the vertiginous worsening of the risks of this violence at work for the human psyche and the polis.

Author Biography

Heliete Karam

Assistente social psiquiátrica, mestre e doutora em psicologia clínica, membro ativo da Associação Internacional dos Especialistas em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e integra o Coletivo Testemunho e Ação da Sigmund Freud Associação Psicanalítica (Porto Alegre). Exerce a clínica do trabalho junto às instituições públicas brasileiras. E-mail:


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